It’s date night and you’re looking for a great board game for couples. What will you choose from the many possibilities? Choose Kingdomino Duel!
In case you aren’t familiar with the Kindomino realm, Kingdomino Duel is a two-player spinoff “roll and write” game of the infamous Kingdomino board game.

In Kingdomino Duel, players take turns rolling custom dice to choose how the images on those dice will form a domino, but not like the old dots you see on regular dominoes. These images represent possible kingdom sections that each player chooses in order to score at the end. So if you look at both of the die together, it forms a domino. Interesting concept, right?

So why is Kingdomino Duel perfect for couples date night? Here are a few reasons:
- It is easy enough to begin playing, yet takes a strategy to win, adding to that push-pull type of gaming where the competition is there, in a friendly way. This makes it a great game for couples who are looking for a fun and engaging challenge.
- It’s a pretty fast game. Kingdomino Duel takes around 20-30 minutes to play, which is great on date night. Plus, the game’s smaller size and its easy to take along with you, so you can play at home, or wherever your date night might take you.
- It’s visually stunning. The artwork in Kingdomino Duel is has 0vibrant colors and charming illustrations that bring the game’s world to life and brings a relaxing mood to your date night.
- It’s competitive and fun! Race to see who gets to use the wizard’s help with bonus abilities! When it comes to competitive games, keeping it playful helps to elicit that push-pull mechanism of interaction which is great for a date night.
There’s much more to say, but why read when you can be on a date, and playing a great game?! Enjoy!