The things we really like about dice games is that they are usually quick plays and can also be a good warm-up game before diving in deeper to a more involved board game.
Who doesn’t love a face paced game where each roll of the dice leads to victory…or defeat?!
“Go Nuts!”, by Gamewright Games, will not disappoint, and is fun for all ages due to its simplicity. Gamewright is one of our favorite game publishers and we’ll have to do a post just about our collection here soon to show our true fandom, right?

Roll the dice to see how many acorns you can get, but any cars you roll get taken away, and then if you roll only squirrels, you shout “Go Nuts!” and competing players role their “dog die” until it lands on the dog, not the dog house, and they shout, “Woof Woof!” and at the same time, the person who just rolled all squirrels is now starting from zero to see how many acorns they can roll before the shout of “Woof Woof!” is heard.
It’s lots of fun and easy to play!